Monday, October 13, 2008

Men Who Cheat: It’s Not About Sex But Appreciation

Gary Neuman’s “The Truth About Cheating: Why Men Stray and What You Can Do To Prevent It.” is written for women but is a book the guys need to keep handy.

The former rabbi talks about how it’s not sex that drives men to look out for other women but lack of appreciation in the marriage.

“Women are being told that unless they are unbelievable sexy and have a Ph.D. in prostitution education then the husband is going to cheat.”

However, it was revealed that the majority of cheating men believed it was about an emotional disconnection caused by feeling underappreciated and because of lack of thoughtful and kind gestures by the wife.

Since half of all men apparently cheat, every second married person reading this needs a copy of the book. When you’re caught this really could be your only defence.

Newseek Interview

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